Posts in Menswear
Simple (and Inexpensive) Steps to Up Your Game.

Few things are as inspiring and pleasing as seeing a really put together person on the street. It's like a little surprise. You're walking along and unexpectedly you see something (or someone) dashing, perhaps even a bit glamorous, that freezes the moment. When this happens, I often want to take a photo to document such a glorious display of fashion sense and personal style. Usually, I keep it to simply complimenting the person, which I'd encourage. Everyone leaves happy. After all, we all benefit from seeing something beautiful. And to me, fashion is a form of artistic expression. Anyway, enough of my musings. Let's get to the practical portion of this post, shall we?

In stark contrast to this euphoria, is that moment when you notice that the sophisticated fella who looks like he just walked out of an issue of Esquire is carrying a floral reusable grocery bag.  Recycling- sexy. Carrying a super feminine woman's reusable grocery bag- not so much. (Unless, of course, he's carrying it for the woman he is walking with, which is pretty much the most attractive thing ever.)

As your personal stylist, I want to help prevent you, Dear Reader, from making these mistakes that keep you from realizing your true, very stylish and authentic, potential. Don't worry, they don't cost much.


Ways to Up Your Game Right Now. 

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Fashion & Function: Essentials for the New Parent.

Our son recently turned four and I'm continuously amazed at the evolution of maternity clothes over the last five years. Lucky for me, I have the opportunity to work with pregnant women and women who've recently gone back to work. 

Both of those life stages can be especially challenging for a number of reasons. But, clothes, should not be one of them. So, I thought you (or someone you know), Dear Reader, might enjoy hearing about some new developments for new parents. FYI- That means moms AND dads. 


Essentials for the New Parent

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Seattle Sunday: Trendspotting at U Village Means Free Stuff for YOU

Ah, University Village- the place you go shopping when you are entertaining out of towers.

It's relaxing, can technically be counted as time "outdoors" and has an array of destination retailers without fighting for parking downtown. 

September offers up thirty plus excuses to get to U Village fast. 


What's Trending at U Village and Why it Matters to YOU

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Seattle Sunday: The Hip Modernist Quilter: Jonathan Armstrong

As you can imagine, I get pretty excited when I make a new discovery. Whether it's a new retailer, a great deal or an unusual pairing, I can't wait to shout it from the rooftops.

Ever since I met Jonathan Armstrong, a local web developer, very stylish man, deep thinker and skilled maker, I've been sharing his story. And people love it. So, it's only fair that I share it with you, Dear Reader. 

Jonathan sews quilts by hand. And they are unbelievable. Fortunately for me, he has one on display at Ludlow in Phinney Ridge. (That place is so incredible, it warrants an additional post of its own. Keep your eyes peeled in the coming weeks.)

We recently caught up with Jonathan at Ludlow to hear his thoughts on style, quilting and the power of making things by hand. Enjoy!

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The Secret to Beautiful Hair: Connect with your Hairdresser on LinkedIn

Apparently, life goes on whether I'm there or not. And, I expect I'm not the only one. 

Last weekend, my son and I ran into Brenda, the lovely woman who flawlessly colored my hair for years. She was also Kim Jong Il for Halloween one year, which is amazing. Needless to say, I'm very fond of her.

When I became pregnant, I took a hiatus from coloring my hair. It was intended to be temporary. But, when I learned of the cost of child care, I discovered that brown hair was just fine. Well, fine for at least 6 months, anyway. 

The last time I had spoken to Brenda, she and her husband were hoping to have a baby. When I was ready to start coloring my hair again, she was gone. 

And it happens to so many of us. For whatever reason, we aren't in the know when our favorite esthetician, massage therapist, hair dresser, tailor, insert essential life supporting service here, person moves on. Even worse, we can never find them again. Therefore, I propose this:

Connect with Your Life Changing (Insert Occupation Here) via LinkedIn

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Normcore. I've been Trying to Avoid it, but.....

A number of months ago I started hearing about Normcore. Chatter on the inter web turned into real media attention and an official trend. We can thank the good people at New York Magazine (one of my VERY favorite mags, by the way) for updating the rest of us earlier this year. Opening up the newest issue of Lucky today, I see that Normcore is now a topic for Main Stream America.

With that in mind, I feel obligated to give this trend some attention, though, truthfully, I'd prefer to give it as little attention as possible. However, my first obligation is to you, Dear Reader, so it's important that you can discuss Normcore at a dinner party or the office and sound like you know what you are talking about. 

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Hemptastic: More than Just Legal Marijuana

Whether you read local or national news, you're undoubtedly hearing about today's milestone: Washington's first legal marijuana shops opened this morning. Clearly, the only way, well, one way, to celebrate this momentous occasion is to dress the part. After all, we are the Evergreen State.


With that in mind, here are some fun facts about Hemp and Fashion. 

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COS. The Basics You've Been Searching For Come to America.

I remember fantasizing about the day H&M would finally come to Seattle. Then, it did- with three stores opening almost simultaneously. Suddenly, I didn't need to buy 10 pairs of tights every time I visited New York or Chicago. Life was good.

This month, life just got a whole lot better. Enter COS (Collection of Style). The H&M owned brand is all about effortless, paired back basics. Timeless minimalism for men, women and kids. While we don't have a brick and mortar COS in Seattle, we are FINALLY able to shop the brand here in the states thanks to the magic of the inter web. 

5 Reasons you MUST Visit Now

1. You get a discount.

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Seattle Sunday Father's Day Edition: Ian

Our house is filled with fashion enthusiasts. Our daily conversations are often dominated by current events, work updates, food and fashion. And we love it. 

As a personal stylist for men, women and kids, I'm often asked about my favorite boutiques for each. With Father's Day right around the corner, it seems only right that today's Seattle Sunday post highlight a men's boutique for the hip man, IanPlus, when you mention Poplin you save 15%.

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Seattle Sunday: Winslow Handmade Ties & Pocket Squares

This post has been in the works for months and I am THRILLED to finally be able to share with you, Dear Reader, what I've been telling every person I come in contact with: my love of Winslow

I initially heard about Winslow from our good friends at Freeman Seattle (check out the recent post featuring Freeman or the site with new jackets for women). Shortly afterward, I saw one of the ties at Velouria and I was hooked. The brainchild of two bright, energetic and thoughtful women, Winslow makes one-of-a-kind handmade neckties, bow ties and pocket squares from reclaimed fabrics. Each one is unique and impeccably made. 

They are inspirational. More than a tie or a pocket square, Winslow offers transformation. 

5 Ways that a Piece from Winslow Can Be Used to Alter the Course of Your Life


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I Ordered From ASOS and You Can, Too.

Clients and regular readers have likely noticed that I'm a fan of UK company, ASOS. Affordable and fashion forward, ASOS offers an array of styles, colors, prices and current trends for the man or woman who loves clothes. After weeks of ruminating on whether or not I should order a red skirt from the company as my inaugural ASOS purchase, I was swayed by these words coming from my husband. "Red, a-line, midi, neoprene with pockets. You still haven't bought that? It's everything you love." 

He was right. Naturally, that night I ordered the red skirt.... and the same thing in yellow.... plus a vinyl shirt. Um, yeah.

As a personal stylist locally, I've discovered that very few people I've interacted with have ordered from ASOS. With that in mind, I thought you might find it useful to hear how it went.

I ordered from ASOS and why YOU should, too.

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Seattle Sunday: James Bond or Brad Thompson?

One of my very favorite things is to stumble upon a well dressed man on the streets of Seattle. I like it even more if that man is rocking a well fitted suit. Thoughtful dressers make me happy and I think they bring a little something to every person they engage with. It's especially gratifying when they are able to balance class with an effortless style and a nonjudgmental approach to the world. 

Enter local acupuncturist and entrepreneur Brad Thompson.

At a recent show in Capitol Hill a guy in his mid 20's commented to him, "Man, you look like James Bond." Enough said.

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Seattle Sunday: Menswear & the Magic of Suitsupply

Recently, I had the pleasure of attending the launch party for the brand-new Seattle location of Suitsupply, the made-to-measure menswear store that is going to give your local Nordstrom some serious competition. Menswear is all about construction and fit. Because the trends don't move as quickly as those for women, it's especially important for men to invest in pieces that will communicate their personal style and last for several seasons. Quality, my friends. Quality. 

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The Evolution of Menswear: Looking hot and hip as you age

I recently received a request for a blog post about fashion for the hot hip urban man in his later years. Later as in 50's, 60's, 70's and beyond. As you can imagine, retailers aren't using many models in this demographic, so finding the right look can be challenging.* 

This got me thinking about the evolution of menswear. Decades ago, men and women "dressed" for the day. Somehow over time, with the decline of the suit, came the decline of the expectation that men put together a thoughtful ensemble each day. By the 90's, a man who put some effort into his look was known as a metrosexual. It was unusual, for sure.

Nowadays, men have become fashion enthusiasts- talking about clothes, grooming products, tailors and retailers with pretty much anyone anywhere. Personally, I'm pretty excited about this transition as someone who loves menswear and is lucky to be married to my very own fashionable fella. 

This also means that there are more opportunities for pieces that are functional and fashion forward for men of any age. The key: stay relevant and true to your style. Here's what you need to know now:

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Menswear Essential: The structured over shirt

There are few things as satisfying as a beautifully coordinated look on a man. The right shirt, the perfect tie, a pair of high quality shoes. In Seattle, layers are essential. And, taking pride in your clothes is a big trend for men that will undoubtedly continue to grow.  

Personally, I'm currently obsessed with coordinating the following pieces: undershirt, button up collared shirt, tie and a slim fitting over shirt made from a heavier fabric. You can see several examples from a recent client of mine in his gallery. Here's one for now. The grey jersey over shirt pictured is from Relwen.   

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Must Haves for Him: The Artifact leather lunch tote

The fall always reminds me of the beginning of the school year and stocking up on supplies. Looking for lunch boxes and bags for kids gets easier all the time. (My first lunchbox was a Bee Gees metal box when I was 5. I was very proud.) This got me thinking of my struggle last Christmas to find the perfect lunch bag for my husband.

He is a web designer and landscape photographer. He's also an incredible cook. What he is not- is someone who should be schlepping one of our reusable grocery bags to the office to hold his lunch.  

This was no easy task, but I was determined to get him the perfect lunch bag. And here it is: 

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