Mission, Vision and Values


WHY do we do this work?

Because every woman has more capacity to make the world a better place when her mind is not cluttered with negative self-talk, guilt and indecision about her clothing. When she feels confident about how she presents herself, she will show up in the world knowing that her voice is essential. Plus, we’re big fans of beautiful things.



To eliminate negative self-talk, doubt an indecision from getting dressed and replace those emotions with confidence, pride and authenticity transforming the way a woman shows up in the world.



A world where every woman, regardless of body type or age, has the tools to communicate her authentic personal style, know how to dress her body and can align her purchases with her values when possible. With these tools, she will eliminate guilt, indecision and negative self-talk empowering her to show up to life with more confidence and power.



  • Authenticity

  • Empowerment

  • Inclusion

  • Excellence

  • Beauty

  • Social Good

  • Progress not Perfection