Posts in Giving Back
Seattle Sunday: Swopboard Lets You Sell Your Stuff & Help A School

Remember when Craigslist wasn't creepy? 

Yeah, those were the days. 

If only there was a way to sell things to people in your very own neighborhood AND help out a local school, perhaps even YOUR kid's school. I am excited to share with you, Dear Reader, that such a place does exist. Thanks to the interweb and a small crew of dedicated folks right here in Seattle. 

I'm appreciative of my good friends at the Recology Store in Issaquah who first clued me in on Swopboard. As it turns out, boutiques like Veouria are on board, too. More on that to come.

It's especially fun to share Seattle Sunday posts that highlight local brands or people that have managed to make an impact on the rest of the country. Swopboard is in the process of becoming one of those companies. Although, I get the feeling if YOU embraced them, they'd go even further. 

In the words of the team: SwopBoard is an online marketplace to buy, sell and give back to local schools. Transactions involve users who share similar lifestyles - people in your school and neighborhood communities - which increases the chances of finding the right buyer and purchasing what you really need.


Here's What YOU Need to Know About Swopboard.

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Seattle Sunday: Live Simply By Annie Takes Organizing to Another Level

There are two extremes for the fashionista:

  1. The stylish individual who has clothes strewn about her bedroom with extras shoved into her closet.
  2. The stylish individual who has everything methodically organized by size and color with off season items stored away in the appropriate containers.

Most of us fall somewhere in between. And, like having your very own personal stylist, many of us have always secretly yearned for a professional organizer in our lives. 

Enter Annie.

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Winner: Did YOU win the Uber Wishlist or the print from Justin Marx Photography?

Thanks VERY much to the Velouria team for hosting last night's Art Walk event. The husband and I were there chatting it up and helping raise funds for YouthCare. 10% of every sale last night will support the organization's work to end youth homelessness.

AND, every person who purchased something online or in the store yesterday was entered into the drawing to win either a free Uber Wishlist (that's a $575 value!) or a Justin Marx Photography print.

Enough talking, let's see who won!

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Happy Bike To Work Day. Time to Get Dressed.

Hello Dear Reader. Happy Bike To Work Day! I recently learned that Davis, CA has one of the highest percentage of cyclists per capita in the country at 19%. I must admit, I'm strangely proud of Davis as I'm originally from Vacaville, only 20 minutes from bicycle central. In fact, one of my sisters lives there and bikes everywhere with her daughter right behind. As you can imagine, I've always associated Davis with biking, (now defunct) Recycled Records and a strange law they used to have that stated you could only smoke on the street if you were moving. While I'm not a smoker nor much of a biker, I took note. 

In honor of this special day and the thousands of people who bike to work each day in our city (Hello Dexter!), I thought you might enjoy some fashionable options for cyclists from your very own personal stylist. 

Tips for the Stylish Cyclist

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Brenda DeVore: Simple Ways for the Stylish Set to Be Green

I'm not going to lie. I'm a consumer. Sometimes, buying something pretty can feel like a guilty pleasure in large part due to the environmental impact of shopping and consumption. But, it doesn't have to be.

In recent months I've had the chance to learn much more about sustainability in the Northwest including local brands devoted to upcycling, recycling and so much more from Recology Store Manager, Brenda DeVore. To celebrate Earth Day, Dear Reader, I asked Brenda to share some of her favorite tips with Poplin. Here's are a few of her favorite tips. I hope you are receiving the Poplin Style Direction e-newsletter. You'll see more of Brenda's eco-wisdom there. She's got a lot of worthy tips!

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Conserve Water: Buy Clothes.

I am a major political junkie. Plus, I'm originally from Northern California, and lived through a drought in my childhood. The result of these factors is that I'm hyper aware of our water usage. Lately, the news has been filled with talk about water- whether it's a story about contaminated water or a lack of rain, it's pretty clear that using a little less water would be helpful to the planet, but also ease my guilt, which is always helpful.

It occurred to me that you, Dear Reader, may be having similar issues (although I hope for your sake they are less intense.) I'm confident that we don't need to find more things to feel guilty about. So, I thought I'd make a few suggestions about how we can feel good about conserving water and still buy new clothes.

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Seattle Sunday: Sustainability Meets Anthropologie at Cleanscapes

Two caveats before we begin:

  1. Yes, I know Issaquah is not Seattle. But, it is in the Seattle metropolitan area and this is worth the drive. Trust me.
  2. If you are someone who loves the idea of sustainable fashion, but isn't too keen on wearing hemp or sandals made from bike tires, you will still love this store. So, please, read on.

Before our son learned to speak, he had already developed a love of the recycling truck. He can hear it coming and races to the window to watch the entire process unfold. So, when a client offered to give us a tour of the truck yard and visit the Cleanscapes store filled with recycled items, I jumped on the opportunity. Little did I know that the store was not just another boutique that stocked reusable shopping bags. Instead it is a well-curated showroom with a goal of Zero Waste products (meaning products and packaging are made from recycled goods that can be recycled or composted again) that are predominantly sourced in the Northwest. Equally important, they are stylish. Yup. Stylish and good for the planet. Love.

For you, Dear Reader, I'm offering up four reasons to visit Cleanscapes in February.

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Don't be afraid to be pretty.

You may have seen my Tweet about starting to style for the young adults at YouthCare who have recently graduated from the Barista Training Program. I'm crazy excited about this opportunity to help homeless and formerly homeless teens look their best as they enter into their careers. 

As I discussed the logistics with the staff, I was reminded that there may be individuals who feel self conscious about their bodies because they are survivors of abuse. Understood. In fact, 1 out of 5 girls and 1 in 20 boys in the US are sexually abused and youth on the street report an even higher rate. I realize this is dark for a style blog, but I'm going somewhere, I swear. 

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Black Friday in Ballard.

Thanksgiving is just around the corner and that means the official crazy town of Black Friday is merely days away. Excited to start shopping for friends and family, but not so enthusiastic about shopping at 6 AM and the general beat down that has become part of this ritual? 

Well, I have good news for you. Actually, great news! 

Ballard retailers are doing something a little different. They are starting the season of giving with -- giving! Participating businesses will be donating a portion of their Black Friday revenue to local nonprofit organizations. That means when you shop locally, you help local nonprofits. And, you are sure to find some of your very favorite gifts, too. 

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