Posts tagged Sustainable retailers
25 Hip Sustainable Brands and Retailers

As a personal stylist for women, I’m focused on ensuring that every woman’s clothing communicates her authentic personal style. That style is also reflective of her values. For some, those values mean supporting local designers. For others, that means putting more towards sending her kids to college and less on clothing. I find that most of my clients fall somewhere in between. They would love to purchase pieces from brands and makers that are paying attention to sustainability and fair wages, but they also need to stay budget conscious. Others are watching large and small retailers go out of business and are really just in search of somewhere new and interesting to find those treasured items. With so many questions on this topic, I decided to put together a blog post filled with new places to explore to find makers and retailers that align with your values. So, start thinking about your own priorities and take a look at the list. As always, please let me know what you think. Happy holidays!

25 Brands and Retailers for Sustainable Shopping

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