Poplin Style Direction | Seattle Personal Stylist for Women Everywhere

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Ask These Ladies What to Wear to the Holiday Party.

If anyone can answer the eternal question of what to wear to a holiday party, it's a Poplin client. After all, she can turn to her trusty password protected online personal profile for guidance. It lays out what pieces are flattering for her frame, and what aren't. It also includes a list of recommended retailers based on her personal style and budget. 

Plus, Poplin clients get new pieces either on a shopping trip together or via an Uber Wishlist. And, of course, a Poplin client can view outfits on her mobile phone to help her choose the perfect ensemble for the big night.

Sound appealing? Poplin Gift Certificates are available online and are just the perfect size for your stocking. Here are some lovely ladies to motivate you. And make sure to check out the recent blog post highlighting pieces that are just right for the holiday party but can actually be worn on the daily afterward. I'm obsessed with local maker Foxglove and owner Selena Kearney has taken the brand to an entirely new level. Enjoy!

P.S. You'll receive an additional hour of styling absolutely FREE with any package purchase before 12/24/16. 

Some of the Beautiful Ladies of Poplin.

See These Clients in More Looks & Discover What They Think of Working with Poplin on the Client Stories Page or Hear From More Clients on Yelp. 

Take a look at an array of photos of some of my clients taken over the past three years. 

 Erika M.

 Tarah P.

 Jo I.

 Divya C.

 Rose (and Ellis) B.

 Ritzy R.

 Brooke W.

 Brooke A.

 Anneliese W.

 Tammi K.

 Jessica P.

 Kate R.

 Chieni M.

 Tarah & Connie (Tarah bought a package as a surprise for her mom, Connie!)

 Jenny R.

 Brittany F.

 Kim R.

 Tammi T.

 Bridgette M.

 Connie L.

Just scrolling through this makes me SO happy! If you've worked with Poplin and you have yet to tell your tale, please do so on Facebook, Google and/or Yelp. Referrals and online reviews are the backbone of the business. It's so helpful for future clients to hear about the client experience.

And now, it's time to pick out an outfit based on these inspirational ladies!