A Deep Dive into Vulnerability, Courage and Making New Memories

As a personal stylist for women, I’ve spent years working with individual clients, writing newsletters and blogs spending time with truly extraordinary women. If you’ve been following the blog for some time, you may have never even heard my voice. If that’s the case, now’s the time to hear me on the most recent episode of the Courage Effect.

If you’ve heard me on various platforms, you might be thinking that you’re in the know already. Not this time.

My recent conversation with Suzanne Weller, host of the Courage Effect, is unlike any public conversation I’ve had before. It’s intimate, with me sharing about some very difficult aspects of my upbringing and simultaneously, full of hope, joy and actionable tips for rewiring your brain.

I’m someone who has a hard time taking the win. Everyday is a gift and I wake up grateful to be here, with this job, this family, this life. I don’t take it for granted. But, I also have a hard time truly internalizing wins or really taking the compliments given to me.

Suzanne and I recorded this interview weeks ago and when I heard it live, I listened from a fresh perspective. As we tracked my evolution- from a life of chaos to one of intention and gratitude, it was one of the few times that I truly felt proud.

You should listen. There’s lots of laughter, introspection and relatable how-to’s. It’s also less than 30 minutes. Have fun and as always, thanks very much for being a part of making this life possible for me. My goal is for Poplin to be a light in your life the way that you are a light in mine.

Listen to Poplin Founder Mellicia Marx on the Courage Effect

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