Life After Quarantine: The 10 Things You Must Do Before You are Ready to Go Into Someone's House

It’s FINALLY happening! Lots of folks are coming up on their two weeks post 2nd shot and that means we can, wait for it, socialize. Woah. We’re not just hanging outside anymore. It’s time to actually cross the threshold into a friend’s home.

I don’t know about you, Dear Reader, but I’ve found lots of my social skills have deteriorated over the past year and a half. So, it feels like the right time to take a good hard look at what steps need to be considered before committing to dinner at a friend or family member’s home. Feeling anxious? No need. I’ve got you.

Everest Ribbed Vase. Glasswing. $25.

Everest Ribbed Vase. Glasswing. $25.



JEWELRY BOX. Vixen Collection. $32.

JEWELRY BOX. Vixen Collection. $32.

Gold Plated Shot Glasses Set. re-souL. $40.

Gold Plated Shot Glasses Set. re-souL. $40.

Graf Lantz Wine-O's - Rainbow Mix. re-souL. $19. We have these and they are ideal for large parties. Did I say, “large parties?!!!!”

Graf Lantz Wine-O's - Rainbow Mix. re-souL. $19. We have these and they are ideal for large parties. Did I say, “large parties?!!!!”

REINE SPLICE. Clementine’s. $50.

REINE SPLICE. Clementine’s. $50.

10 Musts Before Heading Into Someone’s Home to Socialize

  1. Remember the Lessons You’ve Learned.

    We’ve all heard so much about reevaluating how we spend our time and what’s actually important to us. COVID gave us all a very rare opportunity to stop the clock and take a good look at our choices. So, before you commit to dinner, take a moment. Are you sure you even want to see this person? Is this how you want to spend your time? If you aren’t elated to mark this evening off of your calendar, consider if you need to book this appointment at all.

  2. Look and Feel Your Best

    Now that you are excited about heading out the door, take a moment to ensure that you feel great about how you are presenting yourself to the world. Are you loving your hair or would you feel better if you had your color retouched? Do you feel cozy and comfortable in your clothes and look forward to a relaxed evening? Or, are you tired of the same four pieces and ready for something fresh? Honor those feelings and get yourself set to feel your best when you reenter society.

  3. Ask the Right Questions

    I’ve found that asking directly if someone is vaccinated is extremely helpful. But, just because you ask, doesn’t mean that you got the full answer. Be sure to listen to the response. Yes, your friend has been vaccinated; but is he/she/they past the waiting period after their second shot? If you are going to see multiple people in their home, is everyone vaccinated? If they have unvaccinated kids, do they want you to mask up or are they comfortable sans masks now that you are fully vaccinated? Also, this is a great time to find out if your friend is comfortable with you bringing a guest.

  4. Get a Pedicure

    It may sound like an indulgence, but you are about to take your shoes off. That’s right. Most folks ask that you remove your shoes when you come into the house and if you aren’t loving your post quarantine feet, taking off your shoes may steal some of the joy of your reunification. Need some help with this one? Here’s a stellar video tutorial from the owner of Vixen Collection.

  5. Layer up

    While we’re all very aware of the changing temperature outside, it’s easy to forget about the variations indoors. Of course, if your evening may include both time inside and out, you’ll certainly want pieces that keep your warm or cool depending on the circumstance. Personally, my feet get cold easily so an evening outside will likely require socks. Keep a pair stashed in your handbag if you are wearing sandals.

  6. Embrace the Host/Hostess Gift

    When is the last time you gave or received a gift? If it’s been ages since you saw folks, it may have been quite some time. Few things are as appreciated as a great glass of wine, some flowers or a plant. Japanese Whiskey is another favorite. We also like to bring dessert in a lovely box. A pair of earrings are a lovely gift for a closer friend and and can be picked up from a favorite small brand or business. This is a great opportunity to give some love to any businesses that you want to support as they work to get back on their feet. Not sure what to choose? Some of my favorite ideas are at the top. Each of those Seattle boutiques have even more awesomeness on their sites or (gasp!) IRL.

  7. Dive Deep

    If you dragged yourself out of your house AND changed your clothes, this must be a pretty good friend. So, remember why you are friends in the first place and dive into it. This isn’t the time for small talk. (See #1). Be there for your friend. Let him/her/them be there for you. Shame doesn’t do anyone any good. (The unstoppable Brene Brown can help you address that.) Find comfort in one another and let the healing begin.

  8. Look Forward

    That being said, this is not the time to rehash all the lowpoints of quarantine. Regardless of your individual circumstance, the last year and a half have been pretty horrible for everyone. Sure, some people had it worse than others. Absolutely. But, it’s safe to assume that your friend or family member has had more struggles than you may realize. You can spend the evening rehashing all the horrible events of the last year OR you can hit some high points. What is everyone looking forward to? What are some fun shows or movies you saw last year?

  9. Shop Local

    You may or may not be ready to head out to a restaurant to eat, but you can still support your favorites. Chat with your friends about the master food plan for the evening. He/she/they may be dying to cook for friends. If not, why not order in from a favorite restaurant that could use the business?

  10. Embrace the New You

    The Internet was blowing up with stories about a renewed interest in baking, cooking, puzzles, knitting and so on. Perhaps you or your friends have picked up some new hobbies in the last year and a half. This is a great time to reimagine your time together. Care to try board games instead of just chatting with a beer? Or croquet in the backyard. You’d be surprised the ways that folks have been spending their time. Take advantage of your friend’s research and try something new. It’s possible you’ll find an entirely new way to spend time together.

Most importantly, take a moment to yourself to soak it in. This is a BIG deal. It’s a huge transition and, while things won’t go back to “normal”, they certainly aren’t going to be like they have been for the last 15 months. Enjoy yourself. Stick with your priorities. Value your time and the ones you love. Everyone could use a little nurturing right now. And, celebration is a wonderful way to do that.

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