IIT #14: 6 Easy Steps to Your First Vegetable Garden

As a personal stylist for women, I am fortunate to connect with a wide array of fascinating, fun, unique women as part of my job. Since we’ve been home, I’m hearing from my community about the pros and cons of quarantine life. The In It Together Series is a way to connect both sides of my Poplin community: clients and blog readers + small businesswomen in Seattle in an effort to make life at home easier, simpler and more enjoyable.

We’ve spent a great deal of time these past couple of months outside. In fact, I’m writing this from the backyard. Despite building planter boxes two years ago, we finally planted our first vegetable garden a few weeks back. And by we, I mean, our 9 year old. I’ve done nothing but eat the tasty radishes. He’s been watering everyday before dinner and as it turns out, it’s working!

We weren’t sure how to dive in and expected finding a simple, “how to” to be much easier than it was. So, I asked my friend and gardening guru, Lucinda O’Halloran of Spirit Garden Design to share her expertise. I hope this helps you dive into your first garden. Have fun!

Getting outside is one of the best ways to reduce stress, and enhance your overall being.  And getting outside in your own yard is a great way to enjoy nature and still stay safe. 

 Have you ever wondered:

 “I wish I knew how to grow my own fruits and veggies.  How do I get started?”

 “I love puttering in the garden but have no idea what I’m doing—I need help.”

 “I want to help the birds, bees and butterflies.  What should I plant?”

 Do any of these questions sound like you?  If so, it’s time to work with a garden coach!


As a garden coach I enjoy teaching my clients how to understand gardening and feel more connected to their gardens.  I encourage and empower gardeners with one-on-one assistance to connect with their gardens.  


I help novices and experienced gardeners, and everyone in between.  I introduce people to their new gardens, offer basic garden care instructions, pruning and transplanting tips, advice on small design challenges, ways to grow food and more. 


Coaching sessions are one hour long and are tailored to each property and client.  Coaching packages are available for those who really want to dig in.

I also meet with my clients virtually, especially during this time of sheltering in place.  Just bring your cell phone or tablet and we’ll meet in your garden! 

Whether you want to start a veggie garden for the first time, tame the jungle that used to be your yard or attract birds and pollinators, I’m here to help. For now here are 6 easy steps to start your own veggie garden.

6 Easy Steps to Starting Your Vegetable Garden from Spirit Garden Design Owner, Lucinda O’Halloran

1.  Locate the area in your yard or deck that will get 5-7 hours of full sun.  Full sun is required if you want to grow tomatoes, peppers and squash.  If your space only gets 4-6 hours of sun focus more on lettuces, radishes and other greens.


2.  Now you need a container and quality potting soil.  A container with a drain hole works best so you don’t end up with a ‘bath tub’ filled with water after the first rain. 


3.  Fill your container with potting soil, not soil from your garden, it’s too heavy.  I prefer basic potting soil, not the stuff that’s fortified with fertilizer or other junk.  Yes, veggies are heavy feeders (like lots of nutrients) but I prefer to add a pinch of balanced (10-10-10) organic fertilizer and a couple handfuls of compost to increase the microbial activity.


4.  Now it’s time to add the veggies!  Whether you’re sowing seeds or planting starts, plant them according to grower’s recommendations.  Seeds generally take 5-7 days to germinate under ideal conditions.  Starts take 1-2 weeks to establish before generating any action.


5.  Water well and wish them well.


6.  Now, sit back, grab your favorite beverage, and congratulate yourself on a job well done!


And remember to water on a regular basis.  If you don’t know when to water, stick your finger in the soil to your first knuckle.  If it’s dry, it’s time to water.  If not, check back in another day.


Good luck and if you get stuck email me at info@spiritgardendesign.com and mention this article for a free 15 minute consultation to answer your questions.


To learn more about my garden coaching service check out my website www.spiritgardendesign.com or follow me on Instragram @spiritgardendesign .


And Happy Gardening!