Poplin Style Direction | Seattle Personal Stylist for Women Everywhere

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What to click, what to skip.

Feeling overwhelmed by the seemingly endless number of emails from your favorite retailers? Me, too. That's why I've set up a special email in box to stay on top of all those deals, without feeling overwhelmed by, let's count them, up to three messages a day from some retailers. But, here's the thing: If you unsubscribe, you may miss out on great deals from some of your favorites. Until now.

Starting Friday, October 21st, we'll be sending out Poplin on Point. We’ve clicked every retailer and brand email (so you don't have to), scouted out some special surprise offerings you might not know about, and twice a month bring you a list of the deals we think are truly worth your time and money.

That's it. Now, you can just subscribe to one email that lands in your inbox every other Friday. If this sounds good to you, make sure you have subscribed to the Poplin email list. 

What else?

You can start thinking of Fridays as Poplin days. Twice per month you'll receive the Poplin on Point email that focuses on deals you won't want to miss. The alternating Fridays, the Poplin newsletter arrives including blog posts and other up to the minute style info you simply  must know now.

What are you waiting for? Sign up!