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Stylish gifts for the entire family -- Go!

 Beklina French enameled lockets. Available in multiple colors. Beklina. $98.

It's officially here -- the holiday shopping season. For many of us, it may have started a little early since there are only four weeks between Thanksgiving and Christmas this year. But, for the rest of us, the panic is likely just setting in now. 

I find that things are easier when I just dive right in. So, how about an abbreviated gift list for you and yours to get you moving? Over the next few weeks, I'll post more elaborate lists for members of your family. Have requests? Let me know!

For now, here are a few of my favorites:

For Mom.

We gave one of these to my mother-in-law last year with photos of her grandkids inside. It was a winner. I've also recommended these lockets to a number of people who have experienced equal success when giving one. They are a great gift for a parent or grandparent. But, they are also the perfect gift for someone who is challenging to buy for. No size necessary and a very nice quality.

 Woodinville Whiskey Company. Age your own whiskey kit. $149.99 for a two pack.


It's pretty common for people to be intimidated when trying to buy for men. There are lots of directions to go on this one and a future blog post will have more options. For now, I'm going with a gift that is both sophisticated and stylish. Added bonus -- it produces something we all can enjoy. Most dads enjoy a project, so how about a kit to age your own whiskey? It's a win win for the entire family. If you're looking for a great gift for Father's Day or an activity when dad comes to town, you can visit the distillery. 

Little sister/ daughter/ niece.

These have been a big hit for us with more than one bright and creative girl. Fashionplaytes.com gives girls the opportunity to design their own clothes…. that they can wear! So awesome. Just purchase a gift certificate and she can go online to select the item, color & embellishments. It's also something fun to do together during your holiday visit. Love. 


Little brother/ son/ nephew

I'm keeping things creative for the boys and girls on this list. If you are spending any time with kids lately, you are probably hearing about the ukelele. It's all the rage. And, finding an instrument under the tree is bound to create excitement for all involved. Plus, this one at PaperSource is crazy affordable, so there's that. 

 Fashionplaytes design your own clothing. Fashionplaytes. Prices and styles vary.

 Striped ukelele. PaperSource. $29.95.

Hopefully, this inspires you to find just the right gift for just the right person. Struggling with a gift for that certain someone? Let me know. I live for this stuff. Happy Holidays!